SICC - Società Italiana Caos e Complessità


Eventi e Attività SICC

  • Nonlinear Dynamics in Behavioral Macroeconomic Model

    19th SICC International Tutorial Workshop “Topics in nonlinear dynamics” 
    September, 11th 2024, Università di Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino, Italy
    Non-linear phenomena characterize the temporal dynamics of macroeconomic variables and financial markets. Nonlinear dynamics emerge as the result of macroprudential policies, the aggregation of individual interactions, or as a combination of the two. Discrete-time dynamical systems constitute the natural mathematical framework to provide a stylized representation of these phenomena and provide a theoretical basis on which to test policy implications. The school aims to provide an overview of the techniques and methods for the analysis of discrete-time models. At the same time, the school aims to provide an overview of the main applications of such mathematical models in macroeconomics and finance.
    For more information and registration, please visit

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  • Nonlinear Dynamics in Behavioral Macroeconomic Model

Eventi sponsorizzati SICC

  • 12th Workshop Modelli Dinamici in Economia e Finanza (Dynamic Models in Economics and Finance)

    September 12-14, 2024, Urbino, Italy

    MDEF is an international research network, created around a group of Italian researchers active since the Eighties of the last century, with the goal of adopting the language and the methodology of the modern qualitative theory of non linear dynamical systems to model and simulate the time evolution of economic, financial and social systems, characterized by complex behaviours and emerging properties resulting from nonlinear interactions, situations of disequilibrium, discontinuities and hysteresis.

    + registration up to June 15, 2024
    + presentation of a 1-page Abstract deadline: July 31st 

    A selection of papers presented at MDEF 2024 can be submitted, after the conference in special issues of one of the following international journals; Decisions in Economics and Finance, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Energy Economics, Journal of Dynamics and Games

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  • COMPENG 2024


    Florence, July 22-24,2024

    COMPENG is a series of international workshops founded in 2010 aimed at providing a forum for experts and professionals working on the latest developments in complexity science and its application in an engineering perspective. The topics of the workshop round on complex systems and engineering, as Data and data-driven systems, Biophysics, Bio-inspired robotics and biomedical engineering, Complex systems and networks, Control in sensor and actuator networks, Communication and Transportation, Ecosystems and climate, Electronic and opto-electronic systems, Laser dynamics, nonlinear optics and opto-mechanics, Machine Learning, Neurotechnology and neuroscience, Nonlinear dynamics and stochastic processes, Smart grids, and Time-series analysis and modelling.

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  • 12th Workshop Modelli Dinamici in Economia e Finanza (Dynamic Models in Economics and Finance)
  • COMPENG 2024

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